Strengthening the Body of Christ by providing high-quality courses through a 24/7 Digital Learning Platform
To better meet the needs of aspiring leaders in ministry in multi-cultural environments, the Global Leadership Platform (GLP) is a Master’s level curricula designed by Life Development International. The curricula is intended to meet or exceed level 5000 coursework and is delivered via a digital platform format. The curricula is designed to be completed through LDI partnering institutions and provides a comprehensive program of study that enriches the participant in theological, cultural and leadership studies.
Program Philosophy
Our philosophy is to provide a global experience to participants who are actively seeking to live out their core beliefs within the context of local ministry.
This approach to personal growth is based on three pillars: relationship, reflection, and rehearsal. The online curricula is built to require interaction leading to new relationships with peers and mentors. The assignments require reflection on principles, ideas, and concepts. The capstone course is designed to encourage you to rehearse in real-life the theoretical knowledge gained within the personal development program.

Our digital learning platform is designed for ministries that need the option to provide flexibility within the learning experience. Each course is designed to be flexible yet focused, with the default delivery frame being over a 16-week period.
Optimized for mobile, tablet and desktop devices, the platform is fully digital with an assignment upload area. The LDI team provides secure access for authorized staff to perform assessment and grading.
Systematic courses are designed for relational group learning and reflective private study. With pre-recorded lectures as well as prepared session assignments and end-of-course assessment matrixes.
Curricula Scope
The LDI curricula covers a wide range of training with a special focus on cross-cultural community development. To frame this experience, some of the key areas of study include:
Pastoral Leadership Foundations: In this course, foundation of the Christian faith are explored. Emphasis is placed upon a scriptural foundation, with a solid hermeneutic that is reliable across cross-cultural settings.
Global Leadership: This course draws on the benefits of global competencies, including critical thinking, creative thinking, cultural awareness, and the interplay of current-events for effective cross-cultural leadership success.
Project Leadership: This course challenges the participant to have a personal paradigm shift regarding project leadership at a design and development level. Starting with project stewardship through partnerships and organizational management, the course continues to explore project sustainability, as well as system design and the principles of standardization that can help teams focus on results and relationships.
Worldview and Apologetics: This course provides the participant an opportunity to identify and juxtapose prevailing worldviews against an evangelical worldview. With a fresh perspective on classic apologetics, this course requires the student to develop an epistemologically contextualized presentation to defend their personal ontological, teleological, and axiological position.
History & Theology: With initial explorations in systematic theology, this course swiftly moves across OT and NT history and geography. With theological and historical foundations laid, the participant must explore holy writ using hermeneutic and academic principles to research a variety of topics, and employ homiletic principles to formulate a clear response from a literal, historical, and contextual, rendering of Scripture.
Cross-Cultural Ministry: This course is guided by the Great Commands and Great Commission, so as to allow the participant to develop a personal philosophy of cross-cultural ministry in both ecclesiastical and charitable contexts, such as medicine, education, or community development. Embedded in this course is further explorations in orality and contextualized curricula development.
Multi-Cultural Pastoral Care: Family, relationships, faith, work, health, and finances – all key potential domains that can bring glory to God. With a practical perspective, this fast paced course is designed to equip leaders for shepherding and coaching members serving in multi-cultural environments. Extensive reading required.
Ecclesiastical History: Faith in Action: This course challenges the reader to evaluate a variety of historical and contemporary sources, with a focus on faith in action. After a foray into the early church, the course explores the writing of John Foxe and proceeds chronologically to modern literature.
For more information, or to start a conversation about our curricula initiative, please email us at info@ldiministries.org.
Transfer with CREST
The LDI-PDP certificate can be transferred to Newbridge Leadership Institute for up to nine credits towards a master’s degree. The remaining 22 credits for a master’s degree can be achieved through a similar pathway using the CREST program of Newbridge Leadership Institute.
Through the CREST program, Newbridge Leadership Institute has pre-approved the LDI PDP certificate program as part of their core list of approved alternative credits.
The CREST program is a great option for working professionals and individuals living overseas to reduce/eliminate the need to travel to the USA to complete a master’s degree. Students can get credit through non-traditional, non-classroom options, including our certificate program.
The suggested path for a degree through Newbridge is to first apply for the master’s degree prior to joining the certificate program to know if you qualify. The institute is a separate entity from LDI and you may contact Newbridge directly for more information at www.newbridge.ac/crest.